Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Button Collector Book Cover

So my book cover is finally finished! It's my very first one! It can be found here --->
Feel free to check it out!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Painting Update

The face is finally finished...or at least I need to stop messing with it. It's keeping me from finishing the rest of the painting. 
Also, I wanted to let everyone know the book cover is in it's final stages and once it is out I'll share it! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sketches of Book Cover

Note: These are only sketches of the subject and not of the layout. I will not reveal layout or title until the book is published!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Life Update

Been working on sketches for a potential book cover for a publishing company. Will post after I know more :) Also, just got hired at a portrait studio, taking family portraits and things. Overall things are looking up!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Britan Drawing

Just a quick little drawing of a character of mine. Color Pencil and ink

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Records For Sale on Ebay

My Marilyn Monroe and Lady Gaga paintings on records are now for sale on ebay! If you are interested here are the links! 



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some of the Process

Transferring the sketch to the canvas 

Many people think that I dislike technology, and that's just not true. I hate the abuse of technology. I used an opaque projector to transfer my little sketch to the large canvas. If I like the sketch and comp why not utilize it? 


refining the sketch 
after getting the layout in place it's time for the pencil! I go back into the sketch and make the drawing more detailed and clear


here is a detail of the dress. I spent a while on the detailing so I thought I'd show a close up


beginning stages of under painting. 

I always do the under painting in acrylic for 2 reasons, 1. It drys faster 
2. It's cheaper than oil, I have to save money somewhere

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm Not Dead

Here is a quick sketch for the next painting I'm going to do, to prove to everyone I'm not dead. It's very small. its in a 3.5x5 sketch pad if that gives you an idea :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hot Hot Hot

Hot Hot Hot  
Colored Pencil, Acrylic and graphite on canvas

reference photo from

Monday, August 6, 2012

Just an Update

Sorry not much process on this one I got carried away and forgot to take pics. But I thought I'd show you all what it looks like so far so you don't think I'm dead. I just had surgery so that's why the art updates haven't been as frequent :( 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lady Gaga Record Beginning stages

line art

gesso and line work transferred 

finished under painting

close up of under painting

first layer of oils 

added shadows with oil

beginning stages of sculpting the face